
Redcliffe Primary School uses Compass for whole school communication and is the primary source of information distribution-all notes and alerts will be sent through Compass.
The Compass communication platform enables us to send information directly to our parents and carers. It also enables you to access up-to-date and meaningful information about our school and your child’s progress.

Compass includes many different features including the ability to:

• Monitor your child’s attendance and enter an explanation for absence or lateness
• Pay for school events
• Place canteen orders
• Update your family contact information
• View our school calendar
• Download and view your child’s Semester Reports
• Book Parent/Teacher Conferences
• Complete School Surveys

You will need to download the parent app to allow you easy and secure access to Compass. You will require a username and password which you can obtain by contacting the school on (08) 62182600.

• Download and install the app by searching for Compass School Manager in your devices app store (Google Play Store or Apple App Store)
• Wait for app to load
• Search for the school: Redcliffe Primary School
• Type in username and password (this is given to you by the school) or you can obtain a username and password by contacting the school on (08) 62182600.
• Upon login, you will be requested to change the password
The link below has information on what you can expect from Compass:
